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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Vitamin D Fights Hepatitis B Virus Infection - Study

A recent study presented evidence that higher levels of vitamin D reduced hepatitis B virus (HBV) levels. Christian M. Lange, a researcher with Germany’s Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital, and colleagues studied 203 people with chronic HBV infection. The study found that patients with elevated vitamin D serum levels consistently had lower HBV levels.

The study disclosed that 34 percent of patients had "severe vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D3 <10ng 19="" 25="" 47="" adequate="" and="" antigen="" b="" d="" eag="" early="" found="" had="" hbeag="" hepatitis="" insufficiency="" levels="" likewise="" lower="" ml="" negative="" ng="" o:p="" of="" patients.="" patients="" percent="" positive="" serum="" study="" than="" the="" vitamin="">

Researchers also noted that during seasons when patients had less exposure to sunshine, the body produced lower vitamin D levels, which increased HBV levels. Investigators determined that HBV-infected people should maintain adequate levels of vitamin D.

According to the report, earlier studies found that levels of vitamin D serum were not associated with the hepatitis C virus load.

The full report, “Low Vitamin D Serum Concentration is Associated with High Levels of Hepatitis B Virus Replication in Chronically Infected Patients,” was published in the journal Hepatology (2013; doi: 10.1002/hep.26488).

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