In 2007, the AIDS Alabama needs assessment survey sampled a diverse community cohort of 476 adults with HIV who were representative of the state’s HIV-positive population: 66 percent male, 76 percent black, and 26 percent with less than a high school education. The authors developed service utilization/need (SUN) scores for each of 14 social services; regression models were used to determine demographic predictors of the persons most likely to need each service. They then conducted an exploratory factor analysis to determine whether certain services clustered together for the sample.
The services most commonly used, or needed, by respondents were case management, help accessing medical care, and financial assistance. Black respondents were more likely to have higher SUN scores for alcohol treatment and for assistance related to employment, housing, food, financial, and pharmacy needs. Those respondents who reported no spousal or partner relationships had higher SUN scores for substance use treatment.
Females were more likely to have higher SUN scores for childcare assistance, while black respondents and the unemployed were more likely to have SUN scores in the highest quartile of the overall score distribution.
“Factor analysis yielded three main factors: basic needs, substance use treatment, and legal/medical needs. These data provide important information about rural Southern PLWHIV and their needs for ancillary services,” the authors concluded. “They also suggest clusters of service needs that often occur among PLWHIV, which may help case managers and other service providers work proactively to identify important gaps in care.”
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.