“In 2000, approximately 15 cases were diagnosed per year at Navajo area facilities,” said Dr. Jonathan Iralu, an NAIHS infectious-disease consultant. “In 2009, there were 40 new cases and in 2010, there were 35 new HIV cases. These figures are very alarming.”
Melvin Harrison, executive director of the nonprofit Navajo AIDS Network, said the groups most at risk are men who have sex with men and people with substance abuse problems. “People lose inhibitions when they are drinking and drugging and don’t take any precautions,” he said. “People have to realize that HIV does exist on the Navajo Nation.”
IHS spokesperson Jenny Notah said HIV testing is now offered to all IHS patients ages 13-64 who seek health care services. “Patients admitted to the hospital are routinely offered a voluntary HIV test upon admission,” said Notah. “Patients presenting to the obstetrics clinic for prenatal care are given the same opportunity for testing.”
Furthermore, funding from the Minority AIDS Initiative has allowed IHS to significantly expand HIV care. “HIV primary care is available at all IHS service units on the Navajo Nation and specialty care is available at [Gallup Indian Medical Center]. An HIV nurse specialist was hired at GIMC to improve HIV care and coordinate care of people who are HIV-positive,” said Notah.
“It is hoped that these improvements in outreach and care will result in increased awareness of HIV on and near the Navajo Nation, and improved quality of life for HIV patients as well as a reduction in the spread of HIV,” Iralu said.
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.