Opponents of the measure say it interferes with local control, noting that the Montana Constitution grants school boards the authority to run their own affairs. "When you have controversies like this you work through them as best you can in the community," said Sen. Christine Kaufmann (D-Helena).
Supporters say the measure is needed to ensure that parents have a role in sex education. "It's time this body steps up to the plate and says enough is enough. We have to set the standard," said Sen. Greg Hinkle (R-Thompson Falls). "It gets right down to whose children are they? Do they belong to the state, or do they belong to the parents?" he asked. "Let mom and dad do it at home. Let grandma and grandpa do it, or whoever is the guardian."
HB 456 is favored by House Republicans seeking to crack down on local school boards following a row in Helena last year over a proposed sex education curriculum. After several contentious public meetings and revisions, the board eventually adopted a proposal.
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