Many African countries lack landline infrastructure, but cellphone use is high: The continent boasts 624 million mobile phone subscribers.
"The continent carries a disproportionate share of the world's disease burden and some of the lowest per-capita doctor-to-patient ratios. Mobile phones are now being looked to as a tool to help overcome some of these entrenched global health challenges," said Adele Waugaman, who manages mHealth, a partnership between the UN Foundation and Vodafone.
"These tools solve problems specific to developing countries, such as a lack of specialists and specialized services in rural areas," added Richard Gakuba, coordinator of Rwanda's eHealth initiatives.
Rwanda employs the TRACnet program in 450 health centers. Developed by the US firm Voxiva, TRACnet records HIV data, sends reminders for reports to be filed, monitors drug supplies, and delivers test results. The wait for HIV diagnosis in infants has been cut from four months to two weeks. TRACnet "is the only tool we have for tracking this data," said Christian Munyaburanga, an e-Health trainer.
txtAlert was developed by South Africa's Praekelt Foundation. Marcha Neethling said the program costs approximately 14 cents per patient per month. "There is no other technology that can reach people in such masses, she said. "For the bang for your buck - the amount that you would spend to reach one person - it is by far the cheapest technology."
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.