Help The Friends of AIDS Foundation defend funding that provides safe housing for people living with HIV/AIDS!
The Senate Appropriations Committee has just released its draft proposal for FY 2011 funding, and it includes $345 million for the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program. This is an $10 million increase over FY2010. According to the T-HUD Subcommittee's press release, "Overall, these resources assist more than 61,000 households, reducing the risk of homelessness for those living with HIV."
The Senate is expected to vote on the package this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow, so timing is URGENT. The current stopgap measure funding the government expires on Saturday.
1. Call your Senators' DC offices (202-224-3121).
• Ask to speak to the person who handles housing issues.
•Tell them that we need at least $345 million for HOPWA in FY 2011
The proposal also includes:
• 19.3 billion for Section-8 tenant-based rental assistance
• $85 million for the proposed 10,000 HUD/HHS collaborative voucher demonstration
• $125.7 million for Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) programs
• $75 million for 10,000 new HUD-VASH vouchers
• $15 million for new FUP vouchers
• $2.2 billion for McKinney-Vento programs
• $799.2 million for direct programs within VA to assist homeless veterans
• $159.4 million for homeless services programs within SAMHSA (including both PATH and SAMHSA Homeless Services)
2. Please help spread the word.
Thank you for your support of programs that people who are HIV-positive depend on!
Together We Can Make A Difference & Together We Remain Strong!