The TV spots target people ages 15-29, the demographic at highest risk, and began running Dec. 5. Government officials say the campaign's humorous, playful tone comports with that of social networking sites popular with young people. It is the first major health prevention campaign by the government of right-wing President Sebastián Piñera.
One ad shows an elderly couple who suddenly keel over and die, to offstage applause and confetti. "It's much more fun to die of old age than to die of AIDS. And if you die with your lifelong partner, so much the better. Avoid AIDS: be faithful," the ad says. Viewers are directed to a website for more information and the location of HIV testing centers.
Another ad shows an actress being made up to look like she has various illnesses. When she is made up to represent "AIDS," she is dressed for a party. "You can't see AIDS, but that's no reason for us to act blind. Take the test, and bring your partner with you," the ad implores.
The campaign is "insulting to people living with HIV, telling them it is fun to die of old age but not of AIDS, which is a return to the AIDS=death equation, which was overcome in earlier campaigns thanks to the influence of civil society," said the letter from Vivo Positivo, a group that links organizations of people living with HIV/AIDS across Chile.
"What needs to be said, no matter who likes or doesn't like it, is that consistent use of condoms is still the most effective method to avoid HIV," said Vivo Positivo's Manuel Jorquera.
Vivo Positivo is considering filing a court injunction against the Health Ministry for "attacking the right to life."
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.