Fullum is a certified HIV tester and counselor with One Church, a Christian church that since 2007 has contracted with the state and county health departments to serve as a designated testing site. Fullum offered his home as an adjunct site in 2008 after finding that many black youths were hesitant to get tested at church or during community events.
Friends, neighbors, family members, and friends of friends come to Fullum's home during the parties he hosts twice monthly to reach new people. Fullum also conducts testing at small house parties and other events throughout the region. The Allegheny County Health Department received 164 HIV samples from One Church between January and June of this year, and church founder Deryck Tines said most were Fullum's work.
"Although there are places to get tested in Wilkinsburg, no one is doing it like Del is doing it," said Tines. "He has come up with different incentives, like if you get tested, you get a free hour of studio time" in his apartment, Tines noted.
Fullum attributes his success to being seen as a peer. His easy demeanor is likely to get a youth's attention, but Fullum is careful in how he crafts his message. "It's all about how you phrase your words," he said. "I'll tell them, 'I'm not trying to get in your business. It's for your own benefit.'" He also emphasizes how HIV and other STDs disproportionately affect African Americans, particularly youths.
"[The home-based approach] alleviates a lot of the in-between stuff, the procrastinating," said Fullum.
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.