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Friday, September 20, 2013

School District Opens New Health Center on Douglass Campus

New York’s Rochester City School District opened a new school-based health clinic this year on the Douglass campus, home to the city’s Northeast and Northwest high schools. The new clinic, a partnership between the University of Rochester Medical Center and the University of Rochester School of Nursing, will provide onsite physical exams, testing and treatment for illnesses and STDs, and assistance in managing chronic conditions. The clinic also will offer dental and eye care in the future.

The school clinic also will offer mental health counseling, which officials welcomed as a way to help students who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the violence they have seen. Kim Urbach, director of both the new clinic and another center, noted that “repeated studies have shown that school-based health centers not only improve the physical and mental health of children, but save tax dollars by providing maintenance and preventive care that helps reduce hospitalizations and emergency room visits.”

The clinic was funded by a $375,876 grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services and $523,039 from the City School District.