AIDS Healthcare Foundation had filed a complaint to press for the mandate. According to AHF spokesperson Ged Kenslea, state and federal rules already require the use of condoms to protect actors from exposure to body fluids, but “the [porn] industry has by and large simply chosen to ignore this safety requirement, while at the same time there has been little to no effective public health enforcement to date.”
Though Cal/OSHA has occasionally fined adult-film producers for workplace safety violations, regulating the industry is difficult due to its nature: Porn shoots are held just about anywhere, often discreetly.
The 17 pages of rules drafted by Cal/OSHA would stipulate producers provide for and require the “use of condoms or other barrier protection to prevent genital and oral contact with the blood or (any other bodily fluids) of another person.” Producers would also have to provide preventive medical services, such as vaccines against human papillomavirus and hepatitis. If performers were exposed to bodily fluids during filming, producers would then need to provide follow-up medical services. Some exemptions for oral sex are proposed.
The new standards would not require STD testing. However, Cal/OSHA inspector Deborah Gold said the industry can continue its current practice of testing performers every 30 days. Some performers indicated they would rather work with someone who had recently tested STD-negative than to put their trust in condoms.
The draft document results from meetings Cal/OSHA has held for stakeholders following AHF’s 2009 complaint. If the agency decides to go forward with the rules, they would advance to the state’s seven-member Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board.
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.