The goal, according to the girls, is to encourage young females to respect themselves and be self-confident. Sophomore and WPEG member Michaela Jones said, "No one tells them that they are beautiful, and they feel they have to have sex" to feel that way.
WPEG is now in its second year. It is run by Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio and receives $35,000 from the Columbus Foundation and the Women's Fund of Central Ohio. Though Planned Parenthood has been a frequent target of conservative groups, Whitehall-Yearling Principal Carl Svagerko said he knows of no pushback from the community regarding WPEG's activities.
Members were selected through an application and interview process. They then received five two-hour training sessions throughout the year covering key topics, including being an effective educator. The girls also attended leadership workshops last summer.
"Kids really open up to their peers," said Lynn Feils, who helps run WPEG. "When peer educators give an opinion, the [students] get it, and they understand how it's relevant to their life."
"We know that in the teen years, their peers are an incredibly strong influence in their thinking and in their choices. This is normal adolescent behavior to move away from parental advice," said Barbara Huberman, director of education and outreach for the Washington-based Advocates for Youth, a reproductive health group.
"You have to let kids have that dialogue, have those adult conversations," Svagerko added.
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.