Latina Women and HIV/AIDS
For Hispanic/Latina women living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of HIV transmission are: 1) high-risk heterosexual contact and 2) injection drug use (IDU).]In 2005, the majority of Latinas living with HIV/AIDS were infected through heterosexual contact-approximately 70% of Latinas.
Latino Men who have sex with men (MSM)
For Latino men living with HIV, the most common mode of transmission is sexual contact with another man. At the end of 2005, 57% of all Hispanics living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S reported male-to-male sexual contact as the transmission category, compared to 49% among Blacks and 77% among non-Hispanic Whites.
Latinos, Drug Use, and HIV/AIDS
Communities of Color in the U.S. are most heavily affected by AIDS associated with substance use. At the end of 2006 in 33 states with confidential name-based reporting, 14,427 male adult or adolescent Hispanics living with HIV/AIDS became infected through injecting drugs with HIV contaminated needles, representing 23% of Hispanic males living with HIV/AIDS.
Latino Youth and HIV/AIDS
Hispanic/Latino adolescents in the U.S. face unique obstacles that help account for their disproportionately high rate of HIV infection. Hispanic/Latino teens aged 13-19accounted for 19% of AIDS cases among U.S. teens in 2006 although they represented 17% of the U.S. teen population that same year.
The Friends of AIDS Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for HIV positive individuals and empowering people to make healthy choices to prevent the spread of the HIV virus. To learn more about The Friends of AIDS Foundation, please visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org.